All done with my first flash animated short I made with support by the university I attend
( it was originally a class assignment I worked on for two semesters.).
A year and a half i of hard work and it will be up there on the big screen at my school May 15th. Can't wait to see this and all the other films my school friends made.
So... to make things clear the film will be posted up here and YT the week after it premieres at the school's film festival.
It was such a labor intensive experience but it was a lot of fun working on it despite the crummy animation not on par with the professor(s) expectations. I'm planning to make shorter films using my webcomic characters as my next creations and will be running around here checking out other NG artists' work (and be involved in some events) since the heavyload is finished and now it just easy schoolwork and Kid with the Redcap.
That's all I have to share with you guys and I'll c u all soon.